Friday, August 31, 2007

And in a nutshell...

Excuse the f-bomb in the cartoon, but this sums up my attitude on life. Having adventures, seizing the moment, doing the unexpected, taking risks and chances.

image from:

Tuesday, August 7, 2007

Vacation is good for the librarian

I am back after a week long cross country road trip. My friend relocated out to Seattle, so I jumped in the UHaul and went along for the drive. It was a great adventure that generated our own list of reference questions, appreciation for the diversity of our country in terms of landscape and people, and inside jokes (camping!).

My friend is a middle school science teacher who is involved in professional development activities within the science education community, so we always have a lot to talk about. We were very excited that our UHaul was teaching evolution, and it sparked at least one conversation with fellow travelers along the way.

Reference Question of the Day:
Mario Cantone was on the View today. Wasn't he on a children's show in the 80s?