Monday, April 7, 2008

High Touch With Customer Care

high touch with customer care:

Amy Blaine, Reference Librarian, Inova Fairfax Hospital

patient education materials
demands for various language translations

patient education has a economic advantage: users who are educated not as likely to replase, etc.

if patients can't read, print materials won't help them.

health literacy is the sixth vital sign-- degree to which ppl are able to understand, process and seek out information to make health decisions
(hard to hear about the scale..)
using technology to enhance patient experiences in the hospital.

would like to ask her about translation services:


Anonymous said...

Thanks, Maura, for blogging about my talk at CIL. The hospital does have translation services in the form of staff translators and a language line, where the patient is on the phone with a translator as is the health professional (three way conversation). We also have individuals that assist patients who are deaf and need ASL services. I'm not sure if individual units have had their own brochures translated - I think they mostly use handouts that already exist in other languages. I can check on that for you.

maura said...

hi amy!
wow! thanks for leaving a comment. i was v.interested in your talk. i found some of the info helpful for my community, a varied diverse population, as well as socioeconomics.

thank you for sharing!