Monday, April 7, 2008

keynote: lee rainie of pew internet

pew internet, lee rainie

user-generated experience—experiences being blogged, disorientating when you don’t live in the public eye

some amusing examples about what has been said about him in blogs.

information markets are self correcting.

something big to say:
librarians rock (duh)

run down on stats:
info ecology:
industrial age: scarce, $$, institutionally orientating
info age: abundant, cheap, available.

93% of teens use internet, more than half have broadband in homes
75% of adults use internet
62% connect wirelessly—connections from laptops, also found ppl using nonvoice communications (59% adults using cell phone to connect to eh web)
most striking: v.different from early adopters, much more likely to be minority, lower socioeconomic, noncollege degreed—challenging digital divide issues

wireless will be its own determinant of ---- (ugh… can’t try that fast!)
wireless is bringing back email (!! holla!!)

wireless really matters right now.

internet is being used as storage, email, social networks, playlists etc
a new way to rethink storage, the internet itself is a computer
and ppl think about access to information in new ways

content creation:
a big spike 62% young adults have uploaded photos to the internet
Obligation to take pictures, post them and have ppl comment on them, comment on others
Pictures are the currency of community building.

58% young adults have profiles, 33% adults have such profiles (mm comment: what happens when these y.adults become adults w/social networks; is there an impact on having adults in social networks? do y.adults care?)
33% share creative content, 13% of adults; y.adults are driving content creation, assisting others in their development

Focus on 10 problems that have occurred in the last 2 years:
education, $$, taxes, changing job, health care programs, social security, mil benefits, voter registration, local govt, legal system,

80% had been through at least one of the problem, 169 mil adults, so how did they solve those problems? what resources where available (so asked about their patronage)

53% adults had been to local library in that last year
younger adults most likely to be lib visitors (right, I already knew this) Gen Y 62%
y.adults have had good experience of libraries, and continue to use and

60% of online teens use the internet at libs, up from 36% in 2000

pub lib patrons most likely to be internet users – he is saying ppl are more active in community issues (hmmm…. not so sure)

ppl were looking for particular info at the publibs and getting what they were looking for

ppl most likely to use lib: young, latinos, lower socioecon (less than 40K), afirican Americans most likely to use libs.

survey done only in English!! HELLO!!! survey in Spanish!!! (and other languages)

Lots of opportunities out there, 53% of ppl know we rock:
starts with Public Education: ppl need to know how we have changed, willingness to work with ppl. (think book a lib, hands on classes, etc: focus on the success stories—public internet, personalize. who have we helped with computer skills, job skills. thinking of one patron who within a month set up an email account, helped him apply to jobs attaching his docs, etc. got a job, helped use craigslist to find an apt!)

in the era of consumer generated content: we need to tap into these folks, and get them to tell our stories—give them 2.0 tools to evangelize about programs and collections

patrons are eager to give back feedback (yes!! lets collect it! and share it)

unpatrons are primed to seek you out:
ppl might me more dependent on libraries if they are aware of what is offered and special skills
keys for their patronage:
awareness of your work, comfort in the environment, mentoring skills –

this is the era of social networks:
ppl are depending on more than ever
ppl are more likely to rely on other ppl for recommendations due to info overflow
ppl will turn to the smartest ppl (voting? movies? eating? etc etc)

social networks are for:
news and navigation
support and problem solving

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