keynote: Shanachietour 2007!!
Erik Boekesteijn, Delft Public Library
Jaap van de Geer, Delft Public Library
Geert van den Boogaard, Delft Public Library
3 dudes from delft public library, from the Netherlands in an RV
v.good at fundraising
toured the US and made a video about their experience. a SENSATION!!!
toured the usa in search of stories of innovation and best practices
focus on making stories, what is there were no books.
RV became the editing room, with lots of equipment. found wifi campers everywhere, and uploaded the video in the evenings.
if you have a good idea, you can make it happen. the sky is the limit.
first stop in nyc: (grabbed a lady from nypl to sit on the couches)
song: pj Harvey, you said something
what does nypl mean to the ppl in ny? universe is made of stories, not of atoms (one of the plaques outside nypl)
paul holdengräber’s goal: to make the lions roar. to make NYPL levitate (but how much does it weigh?). to continue the line of thinking that library without wars (?) to make it less intimidating, its SEXY!!
terrible that the role of innovation is less important than imagination(?) libraries need to take over what schools are no longer doing. (kgs via twitter)
DPL dude: could he have success in other arenas?
next up: PLCMC
leaving the noise of nyc for the quiet forest of charlotte
matt gullet: doesn’t see the death of books. formats will change, depending on genres.
book vs. tech: these are containers for information and culture, and need the best container for the type of information
libraries are community innovation centers: ppl learn about new things, could be tech orientated or traditional
book is a technology, one of the best ever invented
matt’s up on stage:
his kids fall asleep with books in bed (ugh, me too!)
measure door counts, circ, but also the creative things that come out of the library. need to tell the stories: most convincing!! show these! these are bigger than numbers, the success stories to promote those kinds of activities.
open environments in the physical space of the library—tech is becoming cheaper and smaller. the biggest key to new buildigs in open space and lots of outlets. not sure where the technology will be going so need to remain flexible
now, time to look at the ppl who will be doing it. visited the class of Michael Stephens. spin the library bottle!! no smooching: but what the future of libraries will look like, what is inspiring? (great way to encourage brainstorming, or allowing ppl to take freely in meetings)
library of the future will encourage the heart (ms), charges his students to go forth with visions and make them happen.
do you know the mission of google? we should be aware and use it.
what skills should the future librarian have:
student from iowa: be adaptive to change
library concept center:
libs are important, imp to think about the future and the library in it.
libs contain books, cds, lps, lots of media
media of the future? how will it be used?
libaries give you an experience you’d never forget (dude is playing Wii tennis!)
libraries need to have games, must be a part of the fabric. fun and exhausting.
all about people, share the stories, how they tell them.
ppl are the most important collection (shiny happy ppl!)
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