Where else would I be?
Patron: "You're here everyday!"
Me: "That's because I work here."
bringing you the latest in reference questions, musings, milestones, and snippets of conversation overheard from public library land.
Patron: "You're here everyday!"
Me: "That's because I work here."
Posted by
7:16 AM
Woman: "There is a woman over there coughing." (Points to a woman coughing.)
Me: "What would you like me to do about that?"
Woman: "Tell her to stop! Tell her how to cough properly. It's the swine flu!!"
Me, inwardly sighing: "Thank you. Don't forget to wash your hands."
And off to order Purell.
Posted by
12:32 PM
I am cleaning up digital clutter at home and at work and came across this word document that I started in 2006. Not sure if I blogged this reference questions or not... but I am going to now!
October 24, 2006
Posted by
8:26 AM
Labels: reference questions
Q: How many hot dogs were sold at Yankee Stadium last season (or most recent data)?
A: According to the National Hot Dog & Sausage Council (NHDSC), 1.3 million hot dogs were projected to be consumed in 2004. Updated figures will be forthcoming. (This is a reference question/bet. Loser buys winner a hot dog* and beer at a baseball game.)
Q: When is the men's marathon being run at the Olympics?
A: The New York Times has this nifty Olympics tracker that allows you to search save the events you want to watch and follow. The men's marathon is on August 23 at 6:30pm. The American favorite, Ryan Hall has a great chance at medaling this year.
* Or treat of their choosing.
Posted by
2:03 PM
Labels: reference questions
A patron approached the reference desk said something to me in a language I couldn't quite discern. I wasn't sure if it was English, heavily accented or another language. I made the motion to "write it down?" Perhaps he could write it down or draw it.
He folded his hands together, placed it at his crotch, waved them around and said "pssshhhh".
"Oh, bathroom?" I said. And walked him over to the men's room.
Posted by
4:50 PM
Labels: reference questions, signs
Posted by
8:15 AM
Wondering about using screencasting tutorials for basic things (email, double clicking) when customers have low level or no technology skills. How helpful will that be?
And become frustrated that we need to develop tutorials to show customers how to use our systems.
(wanted to note for awhile seeing loads of ppl use the library search box to get to yahoo)
Screencasting with Polly-Alida Farrington
How is screencasting different from webcasting? or podcasting? or videocasting? Oh MY!
Screencast: capture of what is happening on the screen. Software will capture mouse movements etc. Can add arrows, text, sounds, directions...
idea: dead end page-- a tutorial on how to use the catalog. do you need help searching?
Examples of screen captures and call out boxes (directions saying CLICK HERE!)
audio definitely enhances the experience. more interactive. (thinking tutorials in other languages- both in the callout boxes and audio)
seeing some examples-- having difficulties formating for various sized screens. needs to be able to fit various sized screens.
thinking about the use of these screencast for internal staff training. (downloading audio, internal staff blog)
ireadblogs: articulate will format powerpoint into slides online. can add audio.
olin library @ cornell: research minutes (90 seconds) holds the attn span. concise and well edited. hosted on youtube. gets the main point across. goofy. fun. (a good example) what are the essential factors about the lesson. one point per screencast.
screencast storytime: can be run at home. storyhour?
preparing for your screencast:
Posted by
6:46 AM
Labels: screencasting
The first time my blue eyes were cast upon the Census Atlas of the United States I knew I was in love. A friend of mine introduced me to information aesthetics, a great blog that highlights various data visualization projects and visual communication. Sure, I like this work because it is pretty and interesting to look at, and because sometimes the message is in the medium. Information can be more powerful when represented graphically.
Having just moved to NYC and sold my car, I feel a bit insular from gas prices. I ran past a gas station the other night and regular was $4.11. My car had a 14 gallon tank and I would be pushing it up $60 to fill my tank. Ouch. If I was still living in Stamford, I'd be taking the bus more.
So this map of US gas prices is very interesting. A few things struck me right away. New York and Connecticut (or THE Connecticut as I like to call it) are red, the highest, but New Jersey is green, the lowest. My friends commented they are moving to Arizona and Wyoming, but I am sure you have to drive more there to get around.
I also found this map easy to use. If you zoom in to the city level, the shading scale is replaced with thumbtacks of local gas stations and prices. Once you get to that level the user has the ability to change the fuel type. Clicking on the dollar amount brings up all the prices at that particular station as well as an address.
Posted by
7:51 AM
Labels: gas prices, maps
I teach a range of basic classes for my library: computer, internet and email. These are just high level overviews with a few goals by the end of each class. Learn how to double click. Learn how to search for something in Google. Set up and email address.
Today I had a full class for Internet Basics. We require that people take the Computer Basics class. I am always trying to tweak my instructional techniques, taking notes on the class before, looking up different analogies to use, creating new exercises. And sometimes, the classroom ecology takes all the prep work and throws it out the window.
One of the things I took away from this class was a need to understand more about literacy. All seven of my participants were foreign-born and English wasn't there first language. This is one of the things I like most about my library, and how the diverse community is represented in our services and collections. It felt like two competing literacies in the classroom. First, teaching technology skills, explaining about the internet. How to enter an address, how to search, how to click on links, but aside from the instruction, how to use the mouse and navigating around the screen. Coupled with English language literacy, people who are learning English at varying levels may not understand some of the words I use. One of my students in fact told me that, she was learning English and sometimes she didn't know what I was saying. I also enter the assumption that people have the ability to read as well.
Breaking down technology into smaller bite size pieces is very hard. How to describe something like double click or navigating Windows XP without using any computer jargon is hard work.
Posted by
1:29 PM
I attended the wonderful Computers in Libraries conference last week, and returned back to work full of ideas, plans of failure and ready to be creative. Helene Blowers and Tony Tallent (probably the best name ever) said, "Doing.New.Things. period. action." Now I'm back at work, reviewing and sharing my notes, attempting to keep that buzz going. I blogged this during their session:
failure is about innovation! you need to fail, and fail often. these are the experiences you will be learning from. failure is okay. be ready, accept it. BRING IT!!
Posted by
8:23 AM
Labels: failure, innovation
staff technology training: 5 steps to success
sarah-houghton-jan, digital futures manager
great resources, but we need to make sure everyone is on the same page:
why invest in staff tech training?
save money in the long run, strengthen staff skills and confidence, showing an institutional commitment to life long learning (helps in recruitment and hiring), increase staff retention rate, increase efficiency and productivity
staff tech training takes
time and money
will need to be customized for your library, as they are all different.
competencies based training cycle:
* planning and brainstorm
* creation
* assessing the staff (what they know, don’t know…)
* training (lengthiest, most time, most effort, needs attention)
reassessment (where are we now)
* and start the cycle over
step one: planning and brainstorm
what does your staff need to know how to do with tech to do their jobs well.
ex: send a fwd, there are a lot of steps to get to the point
what questions are the staff receiving at the ref desk?
benefits of using competencies:
equitable expectations for all staff (if you do this, this is what your suppose to know)
reveals training needs in a quick manner
creates accurate job descriptions
helps with performance evaluations
consistent customer service
helps staff adjust and handle change (training is on a continual basis, become more confident, and capable to deal with new things as they come down the pipes)
working with staff to brainstorm:
create the list with staff involvement (staff know what they need to know)
brainstorming parties rock (over lunch?)
reassure staff they don’t need to know everything now
make trainings fun- through fun sites, not very serious
(ppl might not know about all the cute cats out there)
step two: creation
* work with a task force
* representatives from unit and branches
* representative from different position classifications
* focus on staff input
* get mgmnt buy-in
* and don’t call it “competencies”
some categories for staff skills:
**terminology: a staff glossary (powerful tool)
hardware, office software,
**staying current
competencies best practices:
* keep it core
* keep it task based (open email, delete email)
* different positions – different competencies
* add to job descriptions and new hire checklist
* present list online (blog, wiki, webpage) with each item linked to a how-to
* new technology? look at the list again!
step 3: assessing the staff
* assess objectiviely or subjectively? with supervisor or self
* online service tools are the easiest
* give print option too, if needed
* the psychology of maybe (maybe means no, more likely to say maybe than no)
post assessment
* review individual and group results
* work with supervisors to create individual training needs list for each employee (could staff members develop their own training needs list? )
trust the project manager- they are right! they looked at the data!
step 4: training
training based on revealed needed
all the way from mousing to blogging
get a training budget (!)
why should I do this?
it looks hard. too difficult.
why? prizes: mp3 player! cute star wars mp3 drive.
all these end up with the staff who have been working towards a prize. can go a long way to motivate ppl
inspruiring training:
use real world examples
make the class fun- discussions, exercises
highlight tips and tricks
step 5: reassessment
annual or biannual reviews
rewards for success or consequences for failure
nurture hidden sparks
celebrate success!!
have cake! simple messages! library staff is awesome!
-- - -- - -- - -- - -- - -- - -- - -- - -- - -- - -- - -- -
Annette gaskins and Maurice coleman
Harford county public library
varied populations: the amish to the bloods and crips
why a petting zoo:
surveyed staff, and they discovered staff was good on 1.0 technology and needed a forum to learn about 2.0 levels (wanted to know what they’re kids were doing)
first steps:
get organized and get help: a tech fair interest group
2 pg. proposal covering time and topics to be covered
get the buy-in and get ppl excited
use the tools to promote the fair that were part of the fair
wikis/open source – work tool
gaming – part of collection
streaming media – info source
im/mysace – reference
blogging – expert knowledge
mp3s/ipods – patron use (audiobooks)
first step-
realistic scheduling, couldn’t operate without affecting public service; throw $$-- get part time ppl on the desk, support support!
timing issues: Wednesdays as they open late.
one hour lecture, two hour lab for 36 ppl.
6ppl 6 stations 20 min each
and be aware of time. time to get to where the fair was help. time to get back to the branches, etc.
taking shape: finding ppl
two for the show
station masters, host and hostess (sheepdog or sherpa), get ppl moving, station staff, geek and facility support (making sure they work and making sure the Stuff gets to where it needs to go), and partnership with big box stores (provided technology, provided flat screen tvs)
take shape: finding people
early adopters, techie ppl, pages and teens, curious life long learners
space wise:
drawing ppl from all over the system
Posted by
10:34 AM
Labels: cil2008, technology, training
greg notess – search engine showdown
speed searching- tips and tricks for speeding up the search process
wednesday 9 april 2008
why speed searching?
isn’t the web fast enough? (not at the moment. wireless iz broken)
or are we not always fast enough (both!)
take time to:
find the best search query
choose the best data source
quickly find out the terminology, finding the best resource
keystroke economy:
Posted by
10:28 AM
Libraries as Laboratories for Innovation –
Matt Gullet:
creating a new environment, ambient classical jazz music. slides running content, cool videos, flickr, etc.
you are doing something right when some people complain, but some people say, YAY!
libraries as innovation centers. Matt used a lot of things for the first time at the public library. worked in communities and worked on creating new experiences for “the library” used film festivals, tech conference for youth. the library is more; it is a community center for innovation.
do you go to apple stores? do you like them?
benchmarking a similar facility—the apple store was the closest thing as to what they were trying to do.
Discovery Service Center: bars, stools to sit on. wanted to make eye level contact ppl when they come in. plasma screens run content. profiles customers: take their picture, ask about their favorite websites. trying to make the space more human. we are here to help, glad you are here. controlling the environment, but being friendly.
music: we are control of what’s going on here. esp in urban areas.
apple stores have ppl clustered around tables, are teach ppl. instruction in session stick.
game lab @ plcmc
unc charlotte does research at the library. invited them to visit the library.
looking for potential relationships.
create a digitally literate ppl through games and interactive media (I’ve been thinking about games as a tool for basic computer instruction)
learning lab: small classes, demilitarized zone, new/experimental software, studio for digital programming, scanners, media hubs. a space with an lcd projector.
space to build partnerships
studio i: blue screens, digital video cameras, music studio and sound booth in development. adults like this stuff too. story: guy who produces his public access show at the lib.
Greg Schwartz, Library Systems Manager, Louisville Free Public Library
story: master facilities plan, generated about 6-7 yrs ago. a design to remodel 17 locations and build a few more. ambitious and large.
library as cornerstone for lifelong learning through technology.
4 ppl were chosen, including greg. not to toot his own horn.
not quite where they want to be yet:
library ballot for taxes. budget went south, instead of thinking about technology on a broad scale, have been asked to think about content mgmt systems, workflows, how to do more with less.
a beta testing program: pairing patrons with emerging technologies. put an application on their website. give ppl things to play with (kindles, ipods) and then talk to them. how did they use it? what do they think? intersections with lib services. (so cool!) patron pool is very diverse.
looking to aggregate content of onlineUs and combine some of the locally produced content. expose patrons to opportunities to educate themselves.
greg mentioned this: http://www.lfpl.org/charrette/
three things you need in place:
talent (you may already have it. you may be it. might not be utilized)
time and space: very hard to have higher level thinking when you have day to day things to handle. impossible to step away.
support from admin: $$, space to operate. the ability to get away (think out of the office). commitment- getting them to say yes, or maybe. the greatest barrier to any innovation effort.
computer training centers will change. we’ll still be teaching word. and we'll get tired of that. the need will still exist.
matt: one of the most important things to have staff who are into it. you might not be able to build a new space, or even have a room. but more around service philosophy.
Posted by
12:12 PM
Labels: cil2008, innovation
The Library Sandbox: Testing Innovative Ideas
Barbara Tierney, Science Reference Librarian, University of North Carolina
studies show there is no ideal floor plan for Ics, there are myriad possibilities for configuration
Substance trumps space. what does matter is various technologies, human expertise
info commons becoming an arena for social networking- combining the social and the academic.
info commons are all around: small lib arts college, comm. arts college, div school. changes in tech have resulted in changes in how libraries are evaluated.
if you could start over, what would you do differently?
(this presentation is not meeting up to the expectation of the program guide. sometimes you win, sometimes you lose.
reading a paper you wrote? things she is saying are interesting, but very theoretical, could be greatly enhanced with some pictures of pretty Lcs and such. SHOW US what you mean. Give us feedback from users. tell us the stories.)
students are using myface. or myfaith. or something.
focus on user needs.
begin the commons with an eval program on face.
take away for MPOW – cell phone zones—maybe cute little phone booths.
movable walls.
okay. now she is showing us slides of pretty things, with lots of bullets.
Posted by
11:22 AM
Labels: cil2008
innovation starts with “i”
helene blowers: we are taking about change, but how do we get it going?
how to move orgs forward.
Tony Tallent, Director of Youth & Outreach Services, Public Library of Charlotte & Mecklenburg County (PLCMC)
helped open up imaginon, deal day: drop everything and learn (for staff—steal this idea!)
everyone is talking about it, talking about different things, talking about the ingredients of change. think about where you land, are you the jelly or the cellophane?
what innovation is NOT:
process improvement, suggestion boxes, best practices, thinking outside the box (officially retired)
innovation is the intersection of ideas, imagination and pivotal point of reality
it is: doing new things! creativity, action. DOING.
Doing.New.Things. period. action.
what do you want? what do you need?
efficiency innovation
evolutionary innovation
revolutionary innovation
(book title: seeds of innovation)
efficiency innovation
book bundles: an idea that came from a user, “you know… take some books, tie some yarn around them and I could grab a pack when I was on the go”evolutionary innovation
very low tech
taco bell: open 24 hrs. now taking atm. bringing parts together to make a new product or servicerevolutionary innovation
the ipod: changes how we interact and use music (and more!)
zoom shopping (have one in the library?)
Posted by
7:13 AM
Labels: cil2008, helene blowers, innovation